Showing posts with label floral dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label floral dress. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Catch the dresses made out of flowers tonight at 6:30pm!
KRON channel 4 in the Bay Area

Meanwhile here are some pictures from photographer Drew Altizer.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Meet Del...

Ms. Grainer is modeling our Senicio String of Pearls choker and antique brooch along with our handmade cocktail hat with succulents, ti leaves, cymbidium, clematis
( funny story to be told at a later time), and the black/deep burgundy feathery thing that sounds like agonizing>>>something. I can't remember now. But this too, ties into the story of how I had a verbal malfunction at the Gala in front of a reporter who was interviewing us no less...virtual delphiniums to the person who can help me out!

What a nice surprise to find in the San Francisco Chronicle the following;

"Meanwhile, to Ruby Kade and Brenda Mira, City College students who, "inspired by the French impressionists," created Easton Grainer's dress out of 100,000 delphiniums (provided by Whole Foods, where Kade presides over the flowers on Fourth Street), bravo, and you'll catch up on your sleep later.

I am super juiced!

We are also going to be on TV on Sunday at 6:30PM on KRON on RED CARPET SF!

From the website:
Red Carpet Bay Area, a brand new magazine-style program highlighting the region’s unique culture, personality and style, airs bi-weekly on Sundays at 6:30 pm on KRON.

Check back to see how we turned turned 100, 000 of these into a full on couture gown.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bouquet to Arts Gala Night.

I am exhausted.
We glued 100,000 delphinium buds and flowers to the dress.
It was awesome.
OCD, but awesome.
I need to recuperate but I have a little something to share until I post all pics.

Thanks to Rubie~ my lovely partner
Debbie, Daniel, Stella~the rock steady crew who helped sort buds into sizes for us and in some cases glue; also to Gaby who came by to check it out but got put to work instead! Sorry bout that. : )
Durojaiye, my mom, and my aunt~who brought us food, coffee, 5 hour energy drinks, cheesecake sticks, clothing, and finally who took care of our babies while we worked for almost 48 hours straight.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The De Young

Round two!

This weekend is full on madness! We are making our floral couture gown this weekend and it will be an ambitious look we are after with our materials and accessories.

Check out last years Gala Night Bouquet to Arts kickoff at the DeYoung Museum.

Here's a link to more info about the week at the Museum, the demonstrations and lectures, and the floral exhibitors!

Bouquet to Arts 2010 San Francisco De Young Museum

We also have a wedding and a baptism that we are working this weekend and it will be intense but we would not have it any other way! :) Bring on the flowers I say!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Floral Couture {Delicious Eye Candy Anyone?}

So I am jumping all over the place, I know , I know.
I haven't finished on my Euro Bouquets, I haven't' posted my lavender wedding and I am dying to share with you my two latest obsessions. But I am bursting with a need to be creative. My juices will be all dried up because I start school back up in three short weeks, and I am feeling like I am running out of time to get all my summer"projects" started.
Obsession One: Floral Dress

I am in love and have been obsessed since Bouquet to Arts in making another dress.
Here is the dress I made out of flowers. Silver tree, cymbidium orchids, ti leaves, flax, and melveccia vine for the birdcage veil.
Someone suggested to me I should get into making floral wedding dresses and in that one night they planted a seed in my head.

I have been playing around with the idea for the last four months and I walked into Ross the other day looking for something and I came across this. Sure, I lied to myself and bought it to hold my earrings...yeah right. My mind was spinning with making miniature dresses.

I had to have it.
It has been sitting in my kitchen for the past week calling my name.
Then I started thinking of all the designers I researched along with the Yves St. Laurent catalog when I was making the dress and the nagging thought that I should make a dress came back.
So I wanted to share with you some pictures and artist that have been inspiring me.

Franz Grabe out of South Africa is bananas.

Nicole Dextras via the Orchard Studio. If you are a flower whore like I am you will love her blog.
Best. Eye Candy. Pictures. Ever.

Alexander McQueen is a savage.


So then I thought about all the beautiful couture dresses made out of recycled items; magazines, coffee filters, newspapers, rubber name it, chances are someone out there made one.

Or how about a dress made out of say, condoms?
Adriana Bertini dresses out of condoms. Whoa.

The famous phonebook dress.

After seeing these pictures I feel like running to my studio and making a dress immediately.
But sadly, I need to sketch and buy flowers and all that jazz. Kinda important, right?

Obsessions Two: String Art and Armatures

Why? I can just picture the placement of flowers on a perfectly constructed armature or string art installation.

Elly Lin is a master at her work on botanical fashion. My god, have you seen her books??
Whew! I love her twig dresses and I am so surprised that I cannot find one of her dresses online but this is a taste of the magic she works with plants and flowers.

String Art via {curious g30rge}

So you can see why I interrupted my regularly scheduled program to bring you into my obsessive world of dresses right? right?