Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ost Inspired

I have a ton of people I admire, so I won't bore you with my list of fabulous designers, but I will share with you my project on Daniel Ost. If you are not familiar, just go and check out his site and come back. I don't mind, go ahead. :)

The New York Times did a piece on him here and here is an excerpt:

"While bouquets and centerpieces are the core of his repertory, Ost is also known for his exuberant installations that venture into the realm of sculpture. Massive rings of rhododendrons displayed in a field look like supernatural, organic wheels, while a meticulous construction of dogwood and bright eucalyptus leaves resembles the stained-glass windows of a Gothic cathedral. Ost is just as likely to work with branches, seaweed and fruit as he is with fresh blossoms."

He is a master at repetition and he plays with only a couple elements at a time, making his flowers, well, art.

So for a project in my events class, my group had to report on Ost(not a problem) and make some sample designs that incorporate his look with a twist.
I went back in the vault to find these babies, I almost forgot about them until recently that I pulled them out because I will be recreating one of these for a wedding.
The first one was a structure inspired by his outdoor garden work. This is equisetum that has been fenced together with 18 gauge wire to stand all by itself.

One of my classmates calls this the Emerald City design :)

The mechanics, as you can see, are river rocks to make sure it doesn't topple over.

The third one was made out of Mitsumata Branches.

I contorted the branches into a chandelier and then hung up decorative glass vases and water tubes with White Phalaenopsis.
My structure is a fraction of what Ost does.

This is a cascading arrangement made out of Calla Lilies and Green Goddess Lilies, variegated lily grass, curly willow and some greens.

Here they are together!

So I hope you like my Daniel Ost inspired post!
If you ever come across one of his books,
snag it and RUN!


Anonymous said...

Incredible! Thanks for letting us know about Daniel Ost. I love your tribute pieces... esp, the equisetum and manzanita chandelier... genius!

Flower Design Events said...

I am a huge Daniel Ost fan myself, I would love to be able to sell stuff like this for an appropriate price given the time it take to produce! so instead I make do withe creating designs for my own pleasure

Bree said...

Hey J!
I knew you would like those because of the mechanics! No green yucky stuff :)

Flower Design Jane~
Yep, the production of this stuff is bananas. I think I could live quite happily from the $ of one of the Ost pieces for some time, hehe!

Sprout said...

Maybe you, me, and Jane could go be Ost's lackeys for a while...!

Bree said...

I wish....

Flower Design Events said...

I Could go be an Ost Groupy any time

Janet said...

I love the cascading arrangement!