Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Raspberry and Navy Blue {Part One:The Church and First Reception}

{Raspberry and Navy Blue Bride}

This wedding was a pretty big one for me so I will break it into three sections: The set up of the Church ceremony and reception number one, then the personal flowers, then set up of reception number two later that same day.

So basically we met up a few months ago to plan the flowers for the big day and we had to brainstorm on how to make the most out of the flowers considering that the couple had to decorate three separate areas that day.
They definitely wanted to decorate the church with two large ceremony pieces and then also decorate the pews. We also had the task of decorating 28 tables(!) in the first location, then 17 tables in the next location. Whoa is right.

{cue the violins}

I got up super early to get things going, think I'm exaggerating, check out the view.

People think its so much fun to work with flowers, and it is; but it's labor people! I get up at 4am, I wash buckets, I pick bundles of greens and flowers, and strip roses down, and drag everything around carefully so that it looks perfect, and then at the end of the day I get to go back to my studio and clean up!

Ok, ok! I really do love my job so I will stop. :)

The first location is pretty open but a little sterile so the color of the raspberry hydrangea was very much needed to liven things up.

So we got to work in our little station putting together the raspberry colored hydrangeas together with the navy blue ribbon to hang on the pews. Since we had so much to set up we had access to the church at 10:00am which was awesome but the ceremony didn't start till 3pm so we made sure to water tube the hydrangeas to prevent them from wilting.

I'm quite proud to say I personally harvested these beautiful pink hydrangeas for the wedding myself!

Once we water tubed them and slipped on the Navy Blue Satin off they were to decorate all 28 pews.

I really hoped that she was happy with the aisle decoration, I personally loved the colors!

The idea was that the pew flowers would be brought over from the pews after the ceremony and dropped into a pre-greened vase that was waiting on the tables so that they could be reused.

I loved the personalized favor boxes that they made!
Aren't they cute?!

The room was starting to come alive with color.

These two large arrangements would be placed in the front of the tall alter. The short one was for the check in table.

Here's a close up of the smaller arrangement.
Hot Lady Roses, pink dahlias, fuchsia dahlias, hot pink cockscomb,lime green cockscomb, super green roses, and the raspberry hydrangea.

Next up are the personal flowers.


  1. I love the pew flowers turned centerpieces! What a great way to stretch the floral budget!

  2. Wow this looks spectacular, love the colours

  3. Janet~
    Believe me, with almost 45 tables to dress up, we needed to ssstt-rr-eeee-ttchh that bad boy! hehe

    Flower Design Jane~
    I do like Navy Blue and Raspbery, super preppy! You should have seen the guys ties, pinstripes to die for :P
