Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Pink and Chartruese Wedding{Part One: The Set Up}

Formerly known as my Google wedding.
It was too pink not to be my pink wedding I decided.

{Pink and Chartreuse Wedding}

First of all let me say, in the words of Outkast,
"You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather."
True that.
I cannot tell you how shocked I was to go to the market and pick up my Blush pink flowers, all 400 of them and arrive to find out they had only 160 of them and they were in PEACH.
I smiled when he told me because I thought he was pulling my leg. I mean who orders pink in advance and gets peach??? Certainly not me....right?
He didn't have my flowers and I ran around to all the vendors in the market and was only able to find 72 in the color I needed.
Do these things happen? Yes.
Do we freak out? Absolutely.
Do we have to make something happen? You better believe it.
This is when it gets scary because you have to do something to make it better because you can't show up with the entirely wrong color or worse, nothing at all. Sooo I gathered myself and found flowers in the pink family and made some choices with deeper shades of pink and lighter shades of green.

I found these great rununculas in varying shades of pinks and was happy to find these pink and white varigaited rununculas that are a bit more uncommon.

The roses were to die for. Ecuadorian roses called Esperance are just a ridiculous species. They open up pink and green and are tinged on the edge in hot pink and are just fabulous.
They were HUGE!

My son came by to visit and he wanted to smell the roses and just look at the size of his little face next to that humongous rose! Haha, it looks like it could eat him up :)

While the flowers were hydrating and sitting pretty I made a faux pomander.
It was a silk pomander made out of white, green and pink hydrangea florets and it actually photographs well I think.
Brandon is so cute, he kept walking carefully around it and I finally said so what do you think of the pomander? He said it's nice, it matches perfectly, I'm trying to be careful around it.
I laughed and said, dude it's fake, relax!

To make this hydrangea pomander you simply buy a Styrofoam ball, maybe the size of a tennis ball, and then you buy 2 green hydrangea stems, 2 white stems, and three pink stems. You have to cut off the florets and insert them into the ball. I wanted to make sure they were secure so I put the florets on picks then used styrofoam glue to secure the picks to the foam. I finished off with a pink satin ribbon and bow.

Next it was on to the centerpiece.

I do a quality control where I basically design the florals and then line them up and go back and fill in holes and make sure they are balanced.

Here are they ready for transport and then packed into the back of the truck.

Once we arrived at the Pacific Althletic Club in Redwood Shores it was a matter of unpacking the truck and beginning to construct the parts of the centerpeice.

What the heck are we looking at you ask?
Rose heads that were strung together to float inside the vase of course!

They were made to hover over the bear grass inside these 30 inch glass cylinder vases. The inside of the container had gel that looked kind of like glass.

Here are what the tall centerpiece looked like once constructed.

Those things were HEAVY! High style floral centerpieces add so much drama to the room and once you have some low centerpeice along with the high centerpeice they make a room look really good! Add some linen and some lighting and you are in wedding heaven!

We had 9 high floral centerpeice and then 8 low pink and green centerpiece.

Here is the sweetheart table. We decided that we would keep it simple.
I just lined it with two types of bud vases and filled in with different shades of rununculas and rose petals.

The cocktail table centerpiece were hot pink, chartreuse green, a little white with a chunk of wheat grass peppered with some brown fiddle ferns. Super cute, really small, stylized and fun.
The foam was covered by making a leaf pattern.

So when I was told there would be a wrought iron door and was shown this picture I fell in love.
The Ikebana in me screamed out loud and immediately I thought ok, we need something that will give it color, interest, but less is more because these doors are just gorgeous.
So as much as I wanted to design the doors myself, I just had too much to do and delegated this to Brandon. I told him ok, just make a design, start low and move up, making it a little thicker at the bottom and then slowly becoming more sparse almost wispy towards the top.
He did a FANTASTRIC job and I really loved it. The pictures do not do it justice. They were rununcuals that were placed in water tubes with some decorative coil and then just strung up.

This was my favorite thing of the day. The wheat grass escort cards.
The groom made thesecontainers! Are they great or what? I dropped the wheat grass in the container with some foam along the edge and designed the flowers to face the front of the container.

Jen of GreenQuince made all the paper products and they were all gorgeous and I wanted to steal them away for myself! She outdid herself and you MUST go to her Etsy shop and check her out. She's fabulous. :)

So here is the crew: Mary, Brandon, and Debbie.
Alison is not pictured but she was there.
Thanks guys, Icouldn't have pulled off a wedding without you all and I thank you for your creative juices and help!

Next up is the PARTY!

1 comment:

  1. OK, I put my comment under the wrong post . . . doh! Let me try this again. :) I wanted to say how lovely the centerpieces were for your pink and chartreuse wedding. The roses suspended in the tall vases are so unique. You did an amazing job on all the flowers for this wedding.

